Welcome to WSA

Welcome to the official page of Wolf Space Agency a part of Wolf Group of Companies owned by Keith Rodmyk Fajilan, a space enthusiast and explorer (just a student still). All of the Spacecrafts, Rockets, Buildings and Locations were all constructed and/or already included in the game Kerbal Space Program by Squad.

We can launch everything you send to us (just make sure it’s compatible with KSP version 1.4.2 with DLC expansion).

In case of spacecrafts, manned or unmanned, we can place them in:

  1. Low Kerbin Orbit
  2. High Kerbin Orbit
  3. Polar Orbit
  4. Geosynchronous Orbit
  5. Sunsynchronous Orbit
  6. Orbits around other planets, moons and asteroids
  7. On the surface of other planets, moons and asteroids

We can also:

  1. Rescue Kerbalnauts
  2. Ferry tourist to suborbital flight or orbital stays
  3. Return spacecrafts back to Kerbin soil
  4. Test Space Station Parts
  5. Mine Ore Samples
  6. Sample rocks from other planets, moons and asteroids
  7. Plant your flag on other planets, moons and asteroids
  8. Build a colony on the planet, moon and asteroid that you desire
  9. Test your Launch Vehicles
  10. Kill other Kerbals (if you want to).


The twitter account linked to this blog was not using KSP it is using the game Space Agency by Nooleus in Android devices. So please, don’t get mad if it’s not the same on the agency’s twitter account.

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